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Your organization has all the wisdom
and insight it needs — we help you find it!

“Being in touch with only one part of an organization blinds teams to the enormous potential of the whole.”

Organizational Proverb #127

| Our Approach |

At Wisdom Lab, we engage in in-depth conversations and immerse ourselves within your organization to collect wisdom from within your team to create an informed and valuable, iteratively developed perspective. The wisdom we gather shows us what’s emerging and informs our team about how to guide yours in a way that adapts that wisdom to match the organization’s culture. Through these means, we work with you to co-create tools that help you overcome the hurdles facing your nonprofit.

| Step 1 |

We Document

Human Experiences

We immerse ourselves in your organization to conduct in-depth interviews with your team members, collecting stories and details involving pivotal people, practices and experiences that shape culture.

| Step 2 |

We Analyze

Human Insights

As our team sifts through the stories and insight gained from Living Lab sessions, our wildly multidisciplinary team looks at how your organization’s wisdom compares to that of others within your sector and what it means for you.

| Step 3 |

We Discover

Human Solutions

We work with your organization’s leadership to distill creative, personalized and actionable ways to experiment with the wisdom we uncovered to solve the human challenges facing your team.

| Who We Help |

We help Foundations and Nonprofits who are seeking creative guidance for how to clearly share its mission and impact with stakeholders or ensure that it thrives through human changes and challenges, our team will help you develop innovative solutions.

| Foundations |

Are you a board member or staffer of a foundation that wants to have concrete numbers and data showing the results of your funding investments? Or do you want to leverage single grant opportunities with nonprofits into strong, long-term relationships? We can help.

| Nonprofits |

Are you a nonprofit executive or team leader whose organization needs to find creative ways to get donors and community members to connect with your mission? Or do you want to ensure that the unique culture of the organization stays intact and thriving beyond your tenure? We can help.
Our clients
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| Contact Us |

Phone: 541-226-6703


Address: Posner Center,1031 33rd St, Denver, CO 80205

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© 2018 Wisdom Lab. This site was conceived at JHTDesign Studios, LLC - "We. Design. Wonder."